Try Screencastify & Google Keep for Adding Comments to Google Docs

If there was something similar for including video comments to Google Docs, on Sunday night I got an email from somebody who had seen my videos about Mote and questioned. Among my tips was to try the e-Comments Chrome extension which
I examined last spring. Another choice is to use a mix of
Screencastify and Google Keep to build a bank of video remarks that you can insert into the comments of Google Documents or Google Slides..

The process of utilizing Screencastify and Google Keep to produce a video comment bank for Google Docs is relatively straight-forward. Third, create a note in Google Keep that includes the link to the video (I recommend giving the notes easy-to-remember names and labels).
In this video I show how to utilize Screencastify and Google Keep to create a bank of video comments that you can place into the comments of your trainees Google Docs and Slides..

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