Knowt Now Offers Public Galleries of Notes, Flashcards, and Quizzes

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Applications for Education.
The new Knowt galleries of notes, flashcards, and practice tests are appearing at a great time for trainees who are getting ready for last exams. Teachers who have Knowt accounts can go through the galleries and select collections of flashcards and notes to show their trainees.

Knowt is a cool service that Ive included a few times over the last number of years. Its a service that will
instantly produce flashcards and tests from any file that you import into it. The most current upgrade to Knowt provides registered teachers and students with a public gallery of tests, flashcards, and notes..

Now when you sign into a complimentary Knowt account you have the alternative to browse for notes, flashcards, and quizzes according to subject area. There is also a gallery of notes, tests, and flashcards based upon popular textbooks. All of the notes, flashcards, and quizzes found through the public galleries in Knowt can be copied directly into your account where you can customize them as you like..
Heres Knowts promotion video for their brand-new galleries of tests, notes, and flashcards. And heres my overview of how to use Knowt to create your own notes, quizzes, and flashcards by importing a file into your account..

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