July’s Most Popular Posts on Free Technology for Teachers

As I do at the end of monthly, Ive gone through the analytics for Free Technology for Teachers and put together a list of the most popular posts of the month. Take a look and see if theres something interesting that you missed out on in July..
These were the most popular posts in July:.
15 Updates Coming to Google Workspace for Education.

July has actually reoccured. It seems like just the other day the academic year was ending and now it seems were seeing “back to school” promos on every site and in every store. With the exception of a few days at the start of the month Ive been working all summertime long on preserving this blog site, hosting the Practical Ed Tech Virtual Summer Camp, and dealing with some new products for the fall. I hope that youve had the ability to delight in a little break between academic year..

21 Google Docs Features You Should Know How to Use.
How to Create Your Own Online Board Game.

Getting Going With Google Forms – The Basics and More.
How to Password-protect an Edublogs Blog.
See the Elements Present in Common Products – The Periodic Table in Pictures and Words.
How to Create Interactive Checklists in Google Docs.
Gather Chat – Turn a Google Form Into a Chatbot.
Free Music for Classroom Projects.
3 Places to Find Fun and Interesting Math Problems.

On-demand Professional Development.

My YouTube channel has more than 36,000 customers enjoying my brief tutorial videos on a broad variety of educational innovation tools..
Ive been Tweeting as @rmbyrne for fourteen years..
The Free Technology for Teachers Facebook page includes old and brand-new posts from this blog throughout the week..
And if youre curious about my life outside of education, you can follow me on Instagram or Strava.

On the Road Again!
Im accepting a minimal number of invites to speak at events during the 2021-2022 school year. If youre interested, please send me an email at richard (at) byrne.media for more details..

Other Places to Follow Me:.
The Practical Ed Tech Newsletter comes out every Sunday night/ Monday early morning. It features my preferred pointer of the week and the weeks most popular posts from Free Technology for Teachers.

July has come and gone. It feels like simply yesterday the school year was ending and now it appears were seeing “back to school” promos on every site and in every store. With the exception of a couple of days at the start of the month Ive been working all summertime long on preserving this blog, hosting the Practical Ed Tech Virtual Summer Camp, and working on some new materials for the fall. If you see it elsewhere, it has been utilized without consent. Sites that take my (Richard Byrnes) work consist of CloudComputin and WayBetterSite.

This post initially appeared on FreeTech4Teachers.com. It has been utilized without consent if you see it in other places. Websites that steal my (Richard Byrnes) work consist of CloudComputin and WayBetterSite. Featured image recorded by Richard Byrne.

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