I’ll Host Your Next Professional Development Session

Yesterday afternoon I hosted a webinar for a company that had bought a bunch of copies of my.
50 Tech Tuesday Tips ebook. I would more than happy to do the very same for your organization, school, or department..

When a web app isnt working as you anticipate, what to do.
Building your own online search engine.
How to produce green screen videos.
Improving instructional videos..
Enhancing e-mail management.
Producing academic games..
DIY app development.
Podcasting pointers for trainees and teachers..

If you purchase ten or more copies of 50 Tech Tuesday Tips Ill host a custom, one hour webinar for your school or department within your school. The webinar can be about any of the subjects within the book or I can cover some other subjects of interest to you and your colleagues. To get going setting up a customized webinar for your school simply send me a note at richard (at) byrne.media and well get the ball rolling..

About the eBook:.
50 Tech Tuesday Tips was curated from more than 400 editions of The Practical Ed Tech Newsletter. 50 Tech Tuesday Tips supplies you with concepts for lots of helpful things that you can teach to your coworkers and to trainees. Throughout the eBook youll discover tutorials and handouts that you can pass along in your school..
Some of the lots of things youll discover in 50 Tech Tuesday Tips include:.

Get your copy of 50 Tech Tuesday Tips right here!

No, this ebook isnt free however the tools that feature within it is free to use. Developing something like this takes many, lots of hours but reading it can conserve you many, numerous hours. Purchases of 50 Tech Tuesday Tips make it possible for me to create other totally free resources like The Practical Ed Tech Handbook that I update and provide away to countless instructors every year.

The webinar can be about any of the subjects within the book or I can cover some other topics of interest to you and your colleagues. No, this ebook isnt totally free but the tools that feature within it is complimentary to utilize. Creating something like this takes numerous, numerous hours but reading it can conserve you lots of, lots of hours. Purchases of 50 Tech Tuesday Tips make it possible for me to develop other complimentary resources like The Practical Ed Tech Handbook that I upgrade and provide away to thousands of instructors every year.

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