How I Created Outdoor Bingo Boards

In this weeks.
Practical Ed Tech Newsletter I highlighted some design templates for producing in-person educational games. One of the design templates that I included was.
Flippitys upgraded bingo board template. The upgraded template doesnt require you to use a spreadsheet in order to produce your bingo board. The elimination of the spreadsheet requirement makes it easier and faster than ever to create a custom-made set of bingo boards to use in your class..

In this brief video I show how I used Flippitys bingo board design template to develop a set of bingo boards in which trainees have to discover things like acorns, pinecones, and flower petals..

Applications for Education.
As the weather starts to warm (in northern climates) spring is in the air and trainees will want to go outside. Create a set of outdoor bingo boards to link some outdoors time to a lesson about seasons of the year. For example, if trainees have a tough time finding brown leaves or acorns in the spring, it might be an excellent opportunity to explain why those things are easier to discover in the fall.

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