Good Resources for Remote Math & Science Lessons

PhET is a fantastic resource that Ive shared a bunch of times over the years. Just recently, I was browsing the site when I observed that its
activity search tool now consists of a filter for remote activities. Through this search tool you can find lesson plans created for remote direction and learning. You can integrate the remote search filter with any of the other topic, level, and language search filters.
View this brief video to see how it works..

Dozens of the PhET simulations are readily available to place into PowerPoint presentations through making use of.
PhETs totally free PowerPoint Add-in. With the Add-in installed you can search the offered simulations and place them into your slides. The simulations work in your slide just as they do on the PhET site.

More About PhET.
In the following video I show how to include PhETs science and mathematics simulations in your Google Site. Those of you who watch the video will likewise see that the simulations can also be shared by means of a direct Google Classroom combination.

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