A Crash Course in Google Earth & Maps

This course is designed for teachers of grades 3-12 (ages 9 to 18). Who utilize Windows computers, Mac computers, or Chromebooks in their classrooms.
When you register you will have instant access to all of the course modules for one year. You can go back through the modules as lot of times as you d like during the year.
Group registration is readily available. Email richard (at) byrne.media for more information.

A Crash Course in Google Earth & & Maps for Social Studies contains more than 2 hours of direction divided into 8 self-paced modules. In addition to the nuts and bolts of how to use Google Earth a few of the important things youll find out in this course consist of how to develop virtual trips, how to map datasets, how layer maps and images for contrasts, and how students can work together on Google Earth tasks..

After the webinar I realized that there was a lot more that individuals wanted to understand about using Google Earth and Google Maps in social research studies lessons. Thats why I put together a new on-demand course entitled

Frequently asked questions:.
The expense for this course is $27. Registration fees from my Practical Ed Tech courses make it possible to keep FreeTech4Teachers.com and my totally free Practical Ed Tech newsletter going..

Last week I held a webinar titled
5 Google Earth & & Maps Projects for Social Studies. After the webinar I realized that there was a lot more that people wanted to understand about using Google Earth and Google Maps in social studies lessons. Thats why I create a new on-demand course entitled
A Crash Course in Google Earth & & Maps for Social Studies..

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