5 ways to create online courses that improve retention

Asynchronous online learning differs in one apparent way from traditional classroom knowing: the instructors and trainees dont have live, real-time interactions. This is no excuse for developing uninspiring, unengaging “Click Next” style eLearning courses that are completely forgettable and are far from meaningful learning experiences.

Think back to the last online courses you finished. How were you able to use the material after completing the courses?

If youre having a hard time to bear in mind these fundamental elements of the last course you finished, the course design might likely gain from some enhancement. Now ask yourself this concern: What am I doing in a different way as a teacher or professors member to create better knowing experiences for my students?

Attempt using the following strategies the next time you develop an online course to cause greater student engagement throughout the learning experience and greater retention of the content after course conclusion.

Strategy 1: Apply the standard principles of educational design

As a teacher, youre already knowledgeable about the essentials: write clear, quantifiable knowing objectives, align your material to the objectives, and produce evaluations that determine trainees knowledge and skill associating with the objectives. And what about online course development? Is it completely various?

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